Beginning the day right

Saturday 28th December 2013

In these modern days of fast paced living and what we are often told is a post Christian society, one of the expressions of Christianity which is becoming increasingly popular is 'New Monasticism'.  This is an intentional way of life which owes much to the historical communities of the monasteries. 
With their emphasis on adopting a Rule of Life, and a daily rhythm of prayer, these new communities draw their inspiration from the traditions of the monasteries.  A new monastic community might be made up of geographically dispersed members, so that those who feel called to this type of Christian discipleship can 'belong' without necessarily living within an organised community. 
There is much more about this on the Fresh Expressions website, with some exciting examples and stories to inspire:
We might think of monasteries as throwbacks to the past, but actually they offer us an alternative glimpse of the future;  a future our world desperately needs: one that stresses community over competition, service over self-interest, quietude over gratuitous chatter, simplicity over constant consumption.
The Sisters of Mount St Scholastica, a Benedictine community, begin each day by making the sign of the cross over their lips.  And they say, 'Lord, open my lips and I shall proclaim your praise,'  as a commitment to make the entire day — every word and action — a way of praising God. 
How might that be a pattern for the start of your day?  How might that simple action guard against a harsh word or discouraging comment?  Perhaps if what we do in the course of our day isn’t in some way praising God, then maybe it is not worth doing.
Peace and Blessings