Preaching Plan

7th Jul
Rev Peter Thomas (Online)Recorded Youtube Service
Genesis 1-11 Sovereign Creator God
7th Jul
Rev Anthony Huxtable14th Sunday in Ordinary Time / Bible Month
Genesis 1-11 Sovereign Creator God
7th Jul
Rev Deborah KirkZoom Service
Genesis 1-11 Sovereign Creator God
14th Jul
Mrs Gillian Flick (Online)Recorded Youtube Service
Genesis 12-25 God who calls and blesses
14th Jul
Rev Annie DecheAfC Sunday / Bible Month
Genesis 12-25 God who calls and blesses
21st Jul
Rev Deborah Kirk (Online)Recorded Youtube Service
Genesis 25-36 God present in struggle
21st Jul
Rev Mike ParsonsRural Mission Sunday / Holy Communion
Genesis 25-36 God present in struggle
21st Jul
Rev Peter ThomasZoom Service
Genesis 25-36 God present in struggle
27th Jul
Messy ChurchMessy Church (Joint with St. Andrews C of E @ Rowbarton)
28th Jul
Rev Peter ThomasRecorded Youtube Service
Genesis 37-50 God & Divine purposes
28th Jul
Rev Deborah Kirk17th Sunday in Ordinary Time / Bible Month
Genesis 37-50 God & Divine purposes
18th Aug
Rev Annie Deche20th Sunday in Ordinary Time / Holy Communion
1 Kings 2: 10-12; 3: 3-14
Psalm 111
Ephesians 5: 15-20
John 6: 51-58

For older services, see the calendar.